Green transition
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THERMEX works continuously and purposefully towards a green transition in order to meet the UN's 17 global goals.

LED lighting in halls
Already in 2017, Thermex installed LED lighting in the 5,000 m2 storage and production hall in Hjørring. The change to LED lighting has meant a saving of 47% on the CO2 accounts. In addition, Thermex has switched to environmentally friendly heating, which has resulted in a further saving of 22%.

Thermex Plasmex® filter
All THERMEX receptacles can today be equipped with a Plasmex® filter that cleans the air 96.5% and sends the heated air back into the kitchen instead of out into the open. It saves on the heating bill and CO2 emissions.

Heat recovery
A large number of THERMEX containers can today be connected to the home's heat recovery system, whereby up to 95% of the exhaust air is reused for heating the home.

Range with low energy
On the production side, all emfangs are today equipped with LED low-energy lighting and the majority are equipped with DC low-energy motors, which overall puts THERMEX EMFANG AT THE TOP OF THE ENERGY LABELING SCALE "A".

The electricity return scheme
Thermex is registered for the electricity return scheme, i.e. that once your Thermex container has served its purpose and is scrapped, this takes place at an authorized waste station, where the parts are destroyed and recycled into new products.